Decorators in Python-Complete Tutorial

Decorators in python

This Decorators in Python-Complete Tutorial is made for you. At the end of this tutorial, you will have full knowledge of the Decorators in Python.

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Part 18- Decorators in Python-Complete Tutorial

In this article of Python Tutorial, you will learn following-

  1. What is a Decorator in Python?
  2. How to Create a Decorator in Python?
  3. Use of Decorator in Python.

What is a Decorator in Python?

A Decorator extends the behavior of the function. A decorator allows implementing new features to an existing function without modifying the function itself. You can call the decorator before the function in which you wanna decorate.

For example-

def commons(cls):

Here, @class_method is a decorator. It extends the behavior of the function and it describes the function behavior.

How to Create a Decorator in Python?

A Decorator is itself a function. You can create your own decorator, so for creating own decorator, let’s see in the example below-

Before defining any decorator, use the “@” operator.

Syntax of Decorator-

def function_name
    #function body

Call decorator before any function, in which you wanna use a decorator.


def cough_dec(func):
   def func_wrapper():
      print("cough")          #code before function
      print("cough")          #code after function
   return func_wrapper
def question():
   print("can you give discount?")

def answer():
   print("it's only 50")

can you give discount?
it's only 50

Here, “def func_wrapper()” is a wrapper function, which is defining the decorator. “return func_wrapper” is returning wrapper function. “@cough_dec” is a decorator.

To create your own decorator, you can create it as a function like in the example “def cough_dec(func)“. And inside that function, create a wrapper function like “def func_wrapper()”. Where you can define the behavior of a function.

After that, outside from wrapper function “def func_wrapper()”, return it as “return func_wrapper”. So, by doing this you can create your own decorator and then you can use this decorator many time, whenever you want.

Use of Decorator in Python

Decorators are used in –

  • Logging,
  • Run time check,
  • Synchronization,
  • Type checking,
  • Debugging,
  • In web framework and many more.

That’s all for the Decorator in Python. I hope now you have a better understanding of the Decorator in Python.

Congratulations! You successfully learned the Decorator in Python.

Map, Filter, and Lambda in Python

In the next tutorial, we will start learning Reading & Writing files in Python.

Till then, Enjoy Learning Python!

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Mahatma Gandhi

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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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