9 Best+ Free Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning in 2024

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

Are you looking for the Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning? If yes, then check the online courses for PyTorch listed below. In this article, you will find 9 Free and Paid Pytorch Courses. So without any further ado, let’s get started.

PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library inspired by Torch and developed by Facebook‘s artificial intelligence research group. PyTorch is more Pythonic and it believes in a dynamic graph. The best part about PyTorch is due to its Pythonic nature it is easy to use, easy to debug, and has a great set of simple APIs.

And due to its increasing popularity, I have selected the 9 Best Free and Paid Online Courses for PyTorch for you. So, let’s move to the courses-

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

1. Introduction to Machine Learning CourseUdacity

Rating- 4.7/5

Time to Complete- 3 months (If you spend 10 hours per week)

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

This is a Nano Degree Program offered by Udacity. In this program, you will learn foundational machine learning techniques to gain more confidence in machine learning. This Nano degree program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of Supervised Learning, Deep Learning, and Unsupervised Learning.

Throughout this Nano degree program, you will work with real-world projects. These projects are built-in relationships with industry experts and top-tier companies.

Extra Benefits-

  • You will get a chance to work on real-world projects with industry experts.
  • You will get Project feedback from experienced reviewers and you will also get Technical mentor support.
  • Along with that, you will get Resume services, Github review, LinkedIn profile review.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have intermediate level experience in Python and basic knowledge of probability and statistics.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- Introduction to Machine Learning Course

2. Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorchDataCamp

Time to Complete- 4 hours

Pytorch courses

This course will teach how you can use PyTorch to learn deep learning basics, then you will build your first neural network to predict digits from the MNIST dataset. After this, you will learn about convolutional neural networks. This course will also teach you how to use CNN to build more powerful models that give more accurate results. 

The first chapter of this course is free so that you can check the quality and content of the course. There are total 4 chapters in this course-

  1. Introduction to PyTorch (FREE)
  2. Artificial Neural Networks
  3. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
  4. Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who know Python programming and familiar with supervised learning.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out the course details here- Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch

3. Deep Neural Networks with PyTorchCoursera

Rating- 4.4/5

Provider- IBM

Time to Complete- 31 hours

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

This is a very informative course offered by IBM. In this course, you will learn how to build deep learning models by using PyTorch. This course contains a lot of content that is simple and easy to understand.

At the beginning of the course, you will learn Pytorch’s tensors and Automatic differentiation package. As the course move, you will learn fundamentals of deep learning with PyTorch such as Linear Regression, logistic regression, Feedforward deep neural networks, different activation function roles, normalization, dropout layers, convolutional Neural Networks, Transfer learning, etc.

In short, this is the best course for those who want to learn PyTorch for deep learning. Now let’s see the syllabus of the course-

Syllabus of the Course-

  • Tensor and Datasets
  • Linear Regression
  • Linear Regression PyTorch Way
  • Multiple Input Output Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression for Classification
  • Softmax Rergresstion
  • Shallow Neural Networks
  • Deep Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Network
  • Peer Review

Extra Benefits-

  1. You will get a Shareable Certificate upon completion.
  2. Along with this, you will get Course Videos & Readings, Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments with Peer Feedback, Graded Quizzes with Feedback, Graded Programming Assignments.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have previous knowledge of Python and machine learning.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch

4. PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial IntelligenceUdemy

Rating- 4.7/5

Provider- Lazy Programmer Inc

Time to Complete- 23 hours

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

This is the best beginner-level course and starts with machine learning basics and then moves to the deep learning concepts such as Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (image processing), and Recurrent Neural Networks.

This course includes various projects such as Deep Reinforcement Learning Stock Trading Bot, Recommender Systems, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Transfer Learning for Computer Vision, and NLP.

So this is the perfect course for you if you want to get your hands dirty with some deep learning projects.

Extra Benefits-

  • You will get a Certificate of completion.
  • Along with this, you will get full lifetime access to the course materials.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who can code in Python and Numpy and have prior understanding of derivatives and probability.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

5. PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python– Udemy

Rating- 4.6/5

Instructor- Jose Portilla

Time to Complete- 17 hours

PyTorch for deep learning

This course is the perfect balance between theory and practical understanding of deep learning with PyTorch. Throughout this course, you will work on various projects. In this course, you will learn Neural Network Theory, Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Tensors with PyTorch, etc.

After completing this course, you will be able to build deep learning models. The instructor of the course Jose Portilla has years of experience as a professional instructor and trainer for Data Science and programming. 

In this course, Jose Portilla will give you access to notebooks to help you understand both code and explanations simply and easily.

Extra Benefits-

  • You will get a Certificate of completion.
  • Along with this, you will get full lifetime access to the course materials.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have previous knowledge in Python and want to learn PyTorch for deep learning.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python

6. PyTorch Basics for Machine Learning-edX

Provider- IBM

Time to Complete- 5 Weeks

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

This course will teach you the fundamentals of Pytorch such as PyTorch’s tensors, tensor types, operations, PyTorchs Automatic Differentiation package and integration with Pandas and Numpy, etc.

In this course, you will also learn how to train a linear regression model, how to make a prediction using PyTorch’s linear class and custom modules.

In short, this is the perfect course for those who want to gain an in-depth understanding of PyTorch basics. There are 5 modules in the course.

Extra Benefits-

  • You will get a Certificate of completion.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have previous knowledge in Python Programming.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out the program details here- PyTorch Basics for Machine Learning

7. Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch- edX

Provider- IBM

Time to Complete- 6 Weeks

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

After gaining PyTorch basics from PyTorch Basics for Machine Learning course, this course will teach you how to build deep neural networks in PyTorch. And how to apply methods such as dropout, initialization, different types of optimizers, and batch normalization.

Then you will learn Convolutional Neural Networks, how to train the model on a GPU, Transfer Learning, dimensionality reduction techniques, and autoencoders. Throughout this course, you will learn from expert instructors of IBM.

Extra Benefits-

  • You will get a Certificate of completion.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who have previous knowledge in Python Programming and familiar with machine learning concepts.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out the program details here- Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch

8. Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorchUdacity

Time to Complete- 2 month

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning

If you are looking for the best free PyTorch course, then this is the perfect course for you. In this course, you will learn the basics of deep learning, and learn how to build deep neural networks using PyTorch.

In this course, you will also get hands-on experience by working on state-of-the-art AI applications such as style transfer and text generation.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Those who are comfortable with Python and data processing libraries such as NumPy and Matplotlib. And have basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch

9. PyTorch Tutorialspytorch.org

Best Online Courses for PyTorch for Deep Learning in 2021

We can’t avoid the official PyTorch website that provides a variety of PyTorch tutorials to clear the PyTorch basics such as Writing Custom Datasets, Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial, and Deep Learning, etc.

The best part about these tutorials is that they are updating the content with time-to-time so that you get the best knowledge in the field. Each tutorial has a download link so that you can download the Jupyter notebook and Python source code.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Anyone who wants to learn PyTorch basics.

Interested to Enroll?

If yes, then check out all details here- PyTorch Tutorials

And here the list ends. I hope these Best Online Courses for PyTorch will help you to learn PyTorch at your own pace. I would suggest you bookmark this article for future referrals. Now it’s time to wrap up.


In this article, I tried to cover all the Best Online Courses for PyTorch. If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask me in the comment section.

Summary of the Courses-

  1. PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence– Udemy
  2. Introduction to Machine Learning Course– Udacity
  3. Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch– DataCamp
  4. Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch– Coursera
  5. PyTorch for Deep Learning with Python– Udemy
  6. PyTorch Basics for Machine Learning-edX
  7. Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch- edX
  8. Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch– Udacity
  9. PyTorch Tutorials– pytorch.org

All the Best!

Enjoy Learning!

Thank YOU!

Learn Deep Learning Basics here.

Though of the Day…

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

– Henry Ford
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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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