Is It Hard to Learn AI? My Personal AI Learning Journey

Is It Hard to Learn AI

Do you want to learn Artificial Intelligence but have a doubt that Is It Hard to Learn AI?… If yes, this blog is for you. In this blog, I tried to explain how to learn AI by following simple steps. I will also share the free resources to learn AI online at your own pace.

Now, without further ado, let’s get started-

Is It Hard to Learn AI? My Personal AI Learning Journey

First, let’s understand what is AI and what skills or topics are required to learn AI.

What is AI?

As the name suggests, “Artificial Intelligence“, What do you understand? It means intelligence that is artificial. Right?.

Let’s break it into more detail. What do you understand by “Artificial“?

In my opinion, Artificial means, that is something not belong to humans. And What do you understand by “Intelligence”?

According to me, Intelligence means the ability to think, learn, and understand.

Yes, Artificial Intelligence makes machines as intelligent as humans. The main objective of Artificial Intelligence is to make machines powerful and thoughtful just like humans.

Artificial Intelligence is a broad area of Computer Science. AI allows machines to mimic the human.

Artificial Intelligence makes machines so powerful that machines can make decisions by themselves. AI gives the machine the power of common sense, reasoning skills, and decision-making skills.

I hope now you understand what is AI. Now let’s see what skills are required to learn AI-

Skills Required to Learn AI

These are the must-have skills for AI-

  1. Programming Languages: Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, or Julia is essential for implementing machine learning algorithms, data manipulation, and building AI models.
  2. Mathematics and Statistics: Understanding mathematical concepts such as linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics is crucial for grasping the underlying principles of AI algorithms.
  3. Machine Learning: Familiarity with machine learning algorithms, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, as well as techniques such as feature engineering and model evaluation, is necessary for developing AI systems.
  4. Deep Learning: Knowledge of deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras is essential for building and training neural networks for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
  5. Data Handling and Preprocessing: Skills in data preprocessing, cleaning, and transformation are necessary to prepare datasets for training AI models, ensuring data quality and consistency.
  6. Domain Knowledge: Understanding of the specific domain or industry where AI will be applied is valuable for designing AI solutions that address relevant challenges and requirements.

Now, let’s see whether learning these AI Skills is hard or easy-

Is It Hard to Learn AI? [My Personal Experience]

I would like to share my AI learning journey and experience with you. This will help you to relate.

When I first started, getting the hang of programming languages like Python was pretty easy for me. Maybe it’s because I already had some background in coding, but Python just clicked. It felt natural to use it for implementing machine learning algorithms, manipulating data, and building AI models.

But then came the math and stats. Understanding concepts like linear algebra and calculus was tough. And don’t even get me started on probability and statistics! Wrapping my head around these mathematical ideas was definitely a challenge, but I pushed through because I knew they were crucial for grasping the core principles of AI algorithms.

Next up was machine learning. Learning about different algorithms, from supervised and unsupervised learning to reinforcement learning, was interesting but also quite demanding. And techniques like feature engineering and model evaluation added another layer of complexity. It took some time to get comfortable with all of it.

Deep learning was another beast altogether. Getting to grips with frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch was tough, but once I got the hang of it, building and training neural networks for tasks like image recognition and natural language processing became more manageable.

Data handling and preprocessing were perhaps the most straightforward parts for me. Cleaning and transforming data felt like a puzzle to solve, and I enjoyed the process of preparing datasets for training AI models. It was a nice break from the more theoretical aspects of learning AI.

Finally, understanding the specific domain or industry where AI would be applied was crucial. This required in-depth research in different fields and gaining domain knowledge, which was both challenging and rewarding.

So, in summary, learning AI was a mix of highs and lows. While programming languages and data handling came more easily to me, grappling with math, machine learning, and deep learning was more challenging. But with perseverance and dedication, I managed to overcome these hurdles and make progress in my AI journey. And let me tell you, it was totally worth it!

Now, I would like to share the resources I used while learning AI.

Resources I Used While Learning AI

Starting with the basics, mastering math and statistics was crucial. I leaned heavily on resources like the “Intro to Statistics” and “Linear Algebra Refresher Course” from Udacity, as well as Khan Academy’s tutorials on statistics and probability. These resources helped me build a solid foundation in mathematical concepts essential for understanding AI algorithms.

Python programming was another essential skill, and I found a wealth of resources to help me along the way. I relied on courses like “Introduction to Python Programming” from Udacity and tutorials from and CS DOJO to grasp the fundamentals of Python coding.

As I learned advanced AI, learning about big data and data science became essential. Courses like “Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce” and “Programming for Data Science with Python” from Udacity provided valuable insights into handling large datasets and conducting data analysis.

Machine learning was perhaps the most challenging yet rewarding aspect of my journey. I turned to courses like “Machine Learning by Georgia Tech” and “Introduction to Machine Learning Course” from Udacity, as well as the “Machine Learning” course by Stanford University on Coursera, to gain a deeper understanding of algorithms and techniques.

When it came to deep learning, I explored resources like the “Deep Learning Specialization” from and “Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch” from Udacity. These courses helped me grasp complex topics like convolutional neural networks and reinforcement learning.

Throughout my AI learning journey, I leaned on a variety of resources from online courses to tutorials and textbooks. It wasn’t always easy, but with perseverance and dedication, I made progress and achieved my goals. So, if you’re interested in learning AI, don’t be afraid to explore these resources and tackle challenges head-on. You’ve got this!

Now, I would like to share some suggestions with you which I have experienced.

Mistakes I Made That I Wouldn’t Recommend You Repeat

These are some mistakes I made during my AI learning journey that I wouldn’t recommend you to do:

  1. Ignoring the Basics: One mistake I made was rushing through the foundational concepts like math and statistics. Without a solid understanding of these fundamentals, I found myself struggling to grasp more advanced AI concepts later on. Take the time to build a strong foundation before learning the complex topics.
  2. Overlooking Practical Application: Another mistake I made was focusing too much on theory and not enough on practical application. AI is a hands-on field, and it’s crucial to apply what you learn to real-world projects. Don’t just study algorithms – build projects, experiment with datasets, and gain practical experience.
  3. Not Asking for Help: Pride can be a stumbling block. I hesitated to ask for help when I encountered difficulties, thinking I should be able to figure it out on my own. Don’t make the same mistake. There’s a wealth of knowledge and support available from online communities, forums, and mentors. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help when you need it.

Now, after gaining learning experience, I am in a good position to share my personal AI Roadmap with you so that you will not find learning AI as hard as I found.

Your AI Learning Roadmap: Step-by-Step Guidance

Experiment with Projects

Apply your knowledge by working on hands-on projects
Suggested Projects-
1. Image Classification
2. Sentiment Analysis
3. Recommendation System
4. Predictive Analytics
5. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
6. Chatbot Development
7. Anomaly Detection
8. Autonomous Vehicles Simulation
9. Healthcare Applications
10. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Projects

I hope this AI Roadmap will help you to learn AI easily.

Last but not least, I would like to shed some light on current trending AI Topics in 2024 that you need to know.

Trending AI Topics

  1. Generative AI: Picture this – algorithms that can whip up new content like images, text, or music that looks and sounds just like the real deal. We’re talking about Generative AI, folks. These models, like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), are like the Picasso of the digital world, creating stunningly realistic and diverse outputs.
  2. Large Language Models (LLMs): Have you ever heard of machines understanding and talking like humans? That’s the magic of Large Language Models. These deep-learning wonders are trained on oceans of text data to grasp and generate human-like language. Think of GPT models by OpenAI, rocking tasks from language translation to poetry creation.
  3. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation): Now, imagine combining the best of both worlds – retrieval-based and generative models – into one powerhouse. That’s RAG for you. It snags relevant info from a vast text ocean using models like BERT, then crafts responses or text based on that context. Perfect for acing tasks like question answering or crafting engaging dialogue.
  4. Fine-tuning: You know when you take something great and make it even better? That’s fine-tuning in the world of AI. It’s like adding your personal touch to pre-trained models, tailoring them for specific tasks or domains. Instead of starting from scratch, you tweak these models with task-specific data, fast-tracking them to greatness in tasks like sentiment analysis or image recognition.


In this article, I have discussed Is It Hard to Learn AI. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section. I am here to help you.

All the Best for your Career!

Happy Learning!

Thank YOU!

Explore more about Artificial Intelligence.

Though of the Day…

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.’

John Wooden

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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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