Large Language Models VS Generative AI- Simplest Explanation- 2024

Large Language Models VS Generative AI

Do you want to know the difference between Large Language Models vs. generative AI?… If yes, this blog is for you. In this blog, I tried to explain the difference between Large Language Models vs. generative AI in the simplest way.

Now, without further ado, let’s get started-

Large Language Models vs. generative AI

For your better understanding, I tried to make a table to difference between Large Language Models vs. generative AI

Comparison Table: Large Language Models vs. generative AI

AspectLarge Language Models (LLMs)Generative AI
Primary FunctionUnderstands and generates human-like text based on context.Creates new content across various domains, including text, images, and music.
Model SizeEnormous, often with millions or billions of parameters.Variable, can range from small models to larger, more complex ones.
Contextual AwarenessHigh, excels in understanding and maintaining context.Moderate to high, depends on the specific algorithms and training data.
VersatilityPrimarily focused on language-related tasks such as writing, translation, and conversation.Extends beyond language to create diverse forms of content like art and music.
Training DataTrained on massive datasets, capturing a wide range of linguistic patterns.Learns from diverse datasets, allowing for creative and unexpected outputs.
Everyday ApplicationsPowers virtual assistants, chatbots, and predictive text features.Seen in art generation, content creation, and even music composition.
Ethical ConcernsMay perpetuate biases present in training data; potential for misuse.Raises questions about ownership, copyright, and ethical use in creative fields.
Future DevelopmentsEvolving to provide smarter virtual assistants and advancements in content creation.Pushing the boundaries of creativity, leading to collaborative works and new art forms.
ChallengesFaces challenges related to bias, potential misinformation, and ethical considerations.Encounters issues around ownership, copyright, and the definition of authentic art.

Now, let’s understand what is Large Language Models.

Check-> 10 Best Large Language Models Courses and Training (LLMs)- 2024

What are Large Language Models?

Imagine a large language model as a super-savvy friend who has read all the books, watched all the movies, and browsed the entire internet. Let’s call this friend “SmartBot.

Example 1. Learning from Books and Articles:

  • SmartBot has read countless books, so if you ask it to explain a concept, like “What is photosynthesis?” it can give you a detailed answer based on what it learned from biology books.

Example 2. Predicting Sentences:

  • SmartBot is like a master of predicting what comes next in a conversation. If you start a sentence like, “In winter, penguins…”, it can likely finish it with “In winter, penguins huddle together to stay warm.” It has learned these patterns from tons of text.

Example 3. Handling Different Topics:

  • Whether you want to chat about science, history, or even pop culture, SmartBot can jump from discussing the theory of relativity to explaining the plot of your favorite movie.

Example 4. Understanding Context:

  • If you tell SmartBot, “I love the color of the sky,” it understands you’re likely talking about the daytime sky being blue. But if you say, “The sky is full of stars,” it gets that you’re referring to the night sky.

Example 5. Creating Content:

  • You can ask SmartBot to write a short story about a robot and a cat going on an adventure. It can generate a creative and coherent story on the spot, using its understanding of language and storytelling.

However, it’s not flawless. If you ask it a tricky question or something it hasn’t seen much before, like “What will be the winning lottery numbers tomorrow?” it won’t be able to give you the right answer because it can’t predict the future. It’s like your friend who’s super knowledgeable but still has some limits.

So, in a nutshell, a large language model, like SmartBot, is a digital buddy with a massive amount of information, capable of understanding, predicting, and creating content on a wide range of topics.

Now, let’s understand what is Generative AI-

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is like having a magical friend named CreativeBot. This friend is fantastic at making things up! Here’s how it works:

Example 1. Imagine Anything:

  • CreativeBot has a powerful imagination. You can ask it to draw a picture, compose a song, or even come up with a brand-new recipe, and it will create something totally unique.

Example 2. Learn from Examples:

  • It’s a bit like learning to draw by looking at lots of pictures. CreativeBot has seen tons of examples, so it knows how to make something that looks like art or sounds like music.

Example 3. Create Something New:

  • If you want a new story, a unique piece of music, or even an invented creature, CreativeBot can do it! It combines what it learned to generate brand-new ideas and content.

Example 4. Adjust Styles:

  • Imagine it as an artist who can switch styles easily. If you ask CreativeBot to write in the style of Shakespeare or create a modern piece, it can adjust its “style” to match what you’re looking for.

Example 5. Be a Bit Random:

  • Just like your friend who might draw a funny-looking cat, CreativeBot might create things that are a bit random or unexpected. It’s part of the fun!

In essence, generative AI, like CreativeBot, is a virtual friend with an amazing imagination. It learns from examples and can generate all sorts of creative content, making it your go-to buddy for imaginative and original ideas.

Now, let’s see how Large Language Models are different from generative AI

Large Language Models vs. generative AI

Imagine you have two incredibly talented friends, each with their unique strengths. One is known as SmartBot (Large Language Model), a walking encyclopedia that has read tons of books and is a go-to buddy for answering questions. The other is CreativeBot (Generative AI), a friend with a magical imagination, who creates unique things from scratch based on examples it has seen. Now, let’s explore the distinct qualities of these two remarkable friends:

  1. Source of Brilliance:
    • SmartBot is like a friend who knows a lot because it has read tons of books and learned from text. It’s the go-to buddy for answering questions and providing information.
    • CreativeBot is a friend with a magical imagination. It creates things from scratch, like drawings, music, or stories, based on examples it has seen.
  2. Information vs. Imagination:
    • SmartBot uses its vast knowledge to explain concepts, predict sentences, and discuss various topics. It’s like having a walking encyclopedia that knows facts and figures.
    • CreativeBot doesn’t rely on facts but on creativity. It invents new things, like art or music, using its imagination. It’s the buddy you ask when you want something entirely new and original.
  3. Learning Style:
    • SmartBot learns from reading and understanding written text. It knows what’s in the books and can provide well-informed answers.
    • CreativeBot learns from examples of creative work, like pictures or melodies. It mimics styles and creates something unique.
  4. Purpose in Conversation:
    • If you want to know about history or science, you’d ask SmartBot. It’s like a knowledgeable friend in a discussion.
    • If you’re looking for a new idea, like a fantasy story or a piece of art, you’d turn to CreativeBot. It’s the friend for sparking creativity.
  5. Output Style:
    • SmartBot aims for accuracy and relevance in its responses, providing well-informed answers based on what it has learned.
    • CreativeBot aims for originality and creativity, generating new content that might be more imaginative and artistic, but not necessarily based on existing facts.

In a nutshell, these two friends, SmartBot and CreativeBot, bring their own unique strengths to the table, making them valuable companions in different aspects of knowledge and creativity.

Now, let’s see the applications of large language models-

Applications of Large Language Models

Large language models, like SmartBot, are super helpful in different areas because they understand and use language really well. Here are some everyday ways they can be useful:

  1. Talking and Understanding:
    • SmartBot is great at understanding how people talk. It can help with things like figuring out if a message is positive or negative, or even translating languages.
  2. Writing Stuff:
    • It’s like a super smart writer! SmartBot can write articles, and stories, or even help you with your schoolwork by suggesting things you can say.
  3. Talking to Computers:
    • Have you ever chatted with a computer or a robot online? Chances are, it was powered by a large language model like SmartBot. They make virtual assistants and chatbots sound friendly and helpful.
  4. Helping with Coding:
    • For people who write computer programs, SmartBot can be like a coding buddy. It suggests lines of code and helps make sure everything works smoothly.
  5. Teaching and Learning:
    • Imagine having a smart friend who can explain things really well. SmartBot can help with homework, answer questions, and make learning more fun.
  6. Making Sense of Lots of Words:
    • If you have a big pile of information and need to quickly understand what’s important, SmartBot can help by summarizing it. It’s like having a friend who reads fast and tells you the important bits.
  7. Checking Feelings on the Internet:
    • Businesses use SmartBot to see how people feel about their products or services on social media. It helps them understand if people are happy or if there are things they can improve.
  8. Helping in Medicine:
    • In the medical world, SmartBot can help doctors and researchers by reading and summarizing lots of medical information. It’s like having a quick helper to find important details.
  9. Making Legal Stuff Easier:
    • For people working with laws and legal documents, SmartBot can read and simplify complex information. It’s like having a friend who helps you understand legal things better.
  10. Talking to Computers in a Special Way:
    • SmartBot helps make technology more friendly and easy to use. It can understand when you talk to your phone or computer, making it simpler for everyone, including those who might find it a bit hard.

Applications of Generative AI

Imagine having a super creative friend called CreativeBot. Here are some fun ways it can help out:

  1. Drawing and Art:
    • CreativeBot can draw cool pictures, making it awesome for adding creativity to projects and designs.
  2. Writing Stories and Poems:
    • It’s like a friend who tells fantastic stories and writes poems. CreativeBot can come up with imaginative tales for you.
  3. Making Music:
    • If you want to create music but don’t know how CreativeBot can help! It can make catchy tunes, adding a musical touch to your ideas.
  4. Cooking up Recipes:
    • Feeling hungry? CreativeBot can suggest yummy recipes. It’s like having a friend who loves to try out new dishes.
  5. Inventing Characters and Creatures:
    • CreativeBot is great at making up characters and cool creatures for stories. It’s like having a friend who loves adventures.
  6. Designing Fashion:
    • Need fashion ideas? CreativeBot can suggest stylish outfits. It’s like having a friend who knows all about cool trends.
  7. Creating New Products:
    • Businesses use CreativeBot to think up new ideas for things to sell. It’s like a friend in business who always has clever concepts.
  8. Interior Design Concepts:
    • Changing up your room? CreativeBot can suggest cool design ideas. It’s like having a friend who’s an expert decorator.
  9. Innovative Advertising Ideas:
    • Companies use CreativeBot to come up with fun ads. It’s like having a friend in marketing who knows how to grab attention.
  10. Inventing New Games:
    • CreativeBot can help create fun games and challenges. It’s like having a friend who’s a game master.

Now, let’s see what topics you need to learn to excel in Large Language Models and Generative AI-

Check-> How to Learn Large Language Models (LLMs)? [Step-by-Step]

Topics Breakdown for Learning Large Language Models (SmartBot) and Generative AI (CreativeBot)

TopicsLarge Language Model (SmartBot)Generative AI (CreativeBot)
Understanding How Words Work– Grammar and syntax basics– Creative use of language, wordplay, and expressions
– Linguistics fundamentals– Evoking emotions and imagery through words
Learning Basics of Computers– Fundamentals of machine learning– Foundations of machine learning and creative algorithms
– Algorithmic concepts– Autonomous generation of imaginative content
Creating Sentences with Computers– Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques– Generative algorithms for art, music, and text
– Sequence-to-sequence models– Principles of creative coding and algorithmic creativity
Finding Useful Info with Computers– Information retrieval methods– Extracting creative patterns and styles from examples
– Data preprocessing techniques– Using inspiration from existing creative works to generate new ideas
Coding Skills for Computers– Programming proficiency (e.g., Python)– Programming skills for creative coding and generative algorithms
– Implementing and fine-tuning language models using code– Experimenting with different generative models
Getting Data Ready for Computers– Data preprocessing techniques (cleaning, normalization)– Preprocessing creative data (images, music, text)
– Handling large amounts of text data– Organizing and structuring diverse creative datasets
Understanding Deep Learning Basics– Neural network architectures (recurrent, transformer models)– Various generative models (GANs, VAEs)
– Deep learning model processing and understanding– Capturing and replicating artistic styles in creative AI
Knowing a Lot About Specific Topics– Acquiring domain-specific knowledge related to discussions– Deep knowledge of specific creative domains (art, music, storytelling)
– Staying updated on current events and industry-specific terminology– Staying connected with trends and movements in creative fields
Thinking Ethically About Computers– Addressing biases in language models– Considering ethical aspects (attribution, fair use)
– Responsible use of language models– Impact of creative AI on intellectual property and artistic integrity


In this article, I have discussed Large Language Models vs. generative AI. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section. I am here to help you.

All the Best for your Career!

Happy Learning!

Thank YOU!

Explore more about Artificial Intelligence.

Though of the Day…

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.’

John Wooden

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Written By Aqsa Zafar

Founder of MLTUT, Machine Learning Ph.D. scholar at Dayananda Sagar University. Research on social media depression detection. Create tutorials on ML and data science for diverse applications. Passionate about sharing knowledge through website and social media.

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